Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Forthcoming John Piper Exhibition

click here for oxford mail review of John Piper exhibition......


Opening Night for 'Wonderland'

The opening night for the 'Wonderland' exhibition included live performances from speakowire and AI/DS

John Piper


The opening night for the 'Wonderland' exhibition included live performances from speakowire and AI/DS

Pictures from 'Made In Oxford' Exhibition

Opening Night

The opening night was a huge success with over a hundred people arriving to see the exhibition.

Made in Oxford Exhibition

The exhibition is the brainchild of a group of 30 local photographers
who live, work and study in the Oxford area, most of whom had only met
online before they decided to arrange this exhibition. They are here before
term starts and they are here when the tourists have jetted back to their
own cities. And whilst it’s an outstandingly beautiful city to live
in, it can get awfully boring photographing the Dreaming Spires again
and again. So what they've set out to do is try and show you their Oxford

Here we are

The Jam Factory opened in 2006 and is located in the former premises of Frank Cooper’s Marmalade Factory and is now an arts centre, restaurant and bar in Oxford’s west end.

The Jam Factory doesn’t just provide a relaxed and welcoming venue to meet and dine, but is now built up its reputation to be an arts centre in its own right, providing tutored art classes, rehearsal spaces for theatre productions and discussion groups as well as exciting exhibitions ranging from graduate shows to works from Shegal. We are accessible for anybody passionate about the arts. Exhibiting works from established artists yet still providing a platform for emerging talent.

Our mission is to ignite and sustain a passion for the arts that is accessible to a wider variety of people. It's not about convincing people we are the same as other galleries, as were not, and this is what makes our lovely Jam Factory Gallery special.